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Ähtäri city council considers returning pandas to China amid financial losses

Sunday 11th 2024 on 06:53 in  

Nearly half of the members of Ähtäri’s city council are contemplating the early return of pandas to China due to financial losses. A recent inquiry by Yle revealed that out of nine council members, four expressed openness to the idea of returning the animals. Discussions on the zoo’s financial situation are scheduled for a corporate governance meeting in late August or early September.

The pandas, residing in the Ähtäri zoo since 2018, are exerting financial pressure on both the zoo company and the city, which holds a 99% stake in the zoo. Thus, the city council’s stance is significant. The council comprises members from the Center Party (four seats), the National Coalition and Social Democrats (two seats each), and the Finns Party (one seat).

Council chair Leena Mäenpää from the National Coalition stressed the need to address the zoo’s losses, even if that means sending the pandas back. “We will not keep the pandas at any cost,” she asserted, highlighting that such a return would also entail costs. She admitted not knowing enough to form a final opinion on the matter.

Council member Helena Hautakangas (Social Democrats) cautioned against viewing the situation solely from a financial perspective, emphasizing that the pandas are living beings and that animal welfare and various agreements must be considered. She also criticized the political desire for quick gains from the issue.

Member Juha Nortunen (Finns Party) acknowledged the complicated situation and hinted that the pandas might be the first to go if the zoo’s financial troubles continue. He, along with fellow council member Matti Takamäki, highlighted the lack of financial data throughout the year, emphasizing the urgency of resolving the issue soon.

If a decision to return the pandas is made, cooperation with Chinese authorities would be crucial. Currently, no planning for such a process has commenced, according to officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

(via yle.fi)