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Fornminjafélag inaugurates Viking longhouse replica in Súgandafjörður, Iceland

Saturday 10th 2024 on 15:13 in  

In Súgandafjörður, the Fornminjafélag (Cultural Heritage Association) has constructed a replica of a Viking longhouse based on archaeological findings from Grélutóftir in Arnarfjörður. The longhouse, described as “as Vestfirskur as possible,” will be inaugurated during the Vestfirskur Cultural Heritage Day, where stories will be shared around an open fire.

The project, which took six years to complete, is designed to reflect the living conditions of the past, providing insights into everyday life in historical Iceland. Margret Hallmundsdóttir, an archaeologist involved in the project, emphasized the accuracy of the design, created with input from Gudmundur Olafsson, the archaeologist who directed the excavations at Grélutóftir. Hallmundsdóttir noted that while the longhouse is representative of average individuals, wealthier families would have resided in larger structures.

The inauguration will feature tales from Arnarfjörður, stories of ancient fishing cabins, and the Basque whalers in Dýrafjörður. Eyþór Eðvarðsson, chairman of the Fornminjafélag, expressed enthusiasm about the event, recalling a successful trial run last year with around 70 attendees, and noted the unique atmosphere created by gathering around a fire.

Students from an archaeology program recently participated in the project, gaining firsthand experience in excavation techniques. The longhouse will serve as a gathering place for events and discussions, fostering a re-engagement with Iceland’s rich storytelling tradition. The construction employs locally sourced natural materials, including driftwood, contributing to its authenticity.

(via ruv.is)