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Prosecutor demands answers regarding stalled police investigation into online alcohol sales in Reykjavík

Friday 9th 2024 on 17:28 in  

The National Prosecutor has requested explanations regarding delays in a police investigation in the capital region related to online alcohol sales. Apologies were extended for the slow progress, and conclusions were promised by June. However, the investigation remains ongoing.

The Prosecutor demanded clarification from the police chief on the slow pace of investigations linked to illegal online alcohol sales, noting that the case has made no significant advancements despite being under review for up to four years. The current Minister of Finance felt compelled to send a letter to the police at the beginning of summer, facing harsh criticism for allegedly interfering in police matters.

In late May, a lawyer representing the State Alcohol and Tobacco Company (ÁTVR) reached out to the National Prosecutor requesting insights into delays in the police inquiry concerning at least three companies accused of selling alcohol online. ÁTVR had filed complaints against the companies Bjórland, Santé, and Brugghúsið Steðja for online sales of alcohol between 2020 and 2021.

The police confirmed that one case was closed in 2022, linked to Bjórland, which has ceased operations. The remaining cases have stalled without resolution. It appears the lawyer was not informed about the case’s closure concerning Bjórland.

The police chief, in a response letter, indicated that investigations into the other cases are nearing completion, pending reports from the tax investigation and customs departments, with an expectation that these reports would reach the relevant investigation division by mid-June.

Alcohol sales online have become a contentious political issue, with ministers from the Left-Green Movement and the Progressive Party opposing such sales, while the chairman of the Independence Party has expressed support for this development.

(via ruv.is)