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Young farmer takes over family poultry farm in Rovde, Norway

Friday 9th 2024 on 12:53 in  

Johannes Aksnes, an 18-year-old high school student, has taken over his grandfather’s poultry farm while continuing his studies. He is among the few young individuals pursuing a career in agriculture, focusing on a smaller farm operation. The Norwegian Farmers’ Union emphasizes the need for more small farms to enhance national self-sufficiency and resilience, arguing that decentralized food production is more robust in the face of climate change.

Located in the picturesque village of Rovde, Aksnes notes the decline in farming activities in the area compared to the past. Despite having two years left in high school, he is committed to his farming journey, having taken over the chicken farm in early July. Each morning, he sorts around 7,000 eggs, a task that occupies him for two to three hours before he assists his parents on their three farms, and even helps with haymaking for others.

He emphasizes that small farms foster better animal welfare, allowing more personal interaction with livestock. However, he laments the closure of small farms due to economic pressures and believes political action is necessary to address these challenges.

Aksnes’s family, including his father and grandfather, supports his choice to engage in food production. Both men value the continuity of the family farm, reflecting on the growing concern over the number of farms being abandoned. Aksnes expresses his love for the agricultural lifestyle, finding great satisfaction in managing his time while working on the farm.

Looking to the future, he hopes to sustain the farm, believing that more people should experience farm life to appreciate food production.

(via nrk.no)