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Young farmer takes charge of grandfather’s poultry farm in Rovde, Norway

Friday 9th 2024 on 12:53 in  

Johannes Aksnes, an 18-year-old high school student, has taken over his grandfather’s poultry farm while still completing his education. He stands out as one of the few young people venturing into agriculture, additionally managing a small-scale farm. The Norwegian Farmers’ Union advocates for more small farms to bolster self-sufficiency and food security in the country. They argue that diversified food production across multiple smaller farms is more resilient against climate change.

In the picturesque village of Rovde, Aksnes highlights the decline in farming activities in his area, emphasizing that it was once abundant with farms. Despite having two years left in high school, he has fully committed to farming, taking charge of the poultry operation in early July.

Every morning, he sorts approximately 7,000 eggs, which takes about two to three hours, before helping on his parents’ three farms, which include sheep and cows. He checks on the chickens multiple times daily, ensuring they have enough food, water, and optimal temperatures. Utilizing modern technology, he monitors farm conditions through a mobile app.

Egil Hoen, Deputy Leader of the Norwegian Farmers’ Union, points out that Norway’s agricultural landscape has shifted significantly, with a decline in small farms over the decades. Although this trend has helped stabilize agricultural area, it has made food production increasingly vulnerable. He emphasizes the importance of having a mixed agricultural sector with both small and large farms for national food security.

Aksnes believes that smaller farms enhance animal welfare, as they allow for more direct interaction with the animals. With support from his family, including his father and grandfather, he is motivated to continue the farming tradition. Despite the challenges, Aksnes treasures the independence and satisfaction of farm life and hopes more people will appreciate the value of farming.

(via nrk.no)