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Calls for stricter child protection laws after significant legal case on Bornholm

Wednesday 7th 2024 on 20:03 in  

A significant legal case has concluded, prompting calls for better protection for children subjected to abuse. The case revolves around a 28-year-old man who took compromising photos and videos of 18 children, some of which depicted them bound with ropes or tape. In one instance, a child was shown with a gag ball in their mouth. The man also disseminated these images online.

According to child protection organization Red Barnet, there are three types of sexually abusive material involving children that may not be prosecuted under existing abuse laws. These include:
1. Posing images that evoke sexual associations based on the children’s clothing and positions.
2. Everyday images of children, such as those taken at the beach or during sports events, presented in a sexualized context.
3. Animated content depicting children in sexual activities, which, while identifiable as animated abuse material, appears strikingly lifelike.

In December, the court on Bornholm sentenced the man to eight months in prison for indecency, a ruling that was recently increased by an additional month. The prosecutor noted that the lack of nudity led to the application of indecency laws rather than harsher abuse laws.

Red Barnet advocates for stricter classifications of such materials, arguing that posing images should be treated with the same severity as abuse material. Experts suggest that legal revisions are necessary, as current laws often hinge on the presence of nudity.

The case, which involved premeditated acts against children from 2018 to 2022, has profoundly impacted the affected families. One father emphasized that, despite the children being clothed, the material produced was undoubtedly sexualized and should fall under stricter abuse laws. He expressed disappointment with the current legal framework handling such offenses.

(via dr.dk)