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Surgeon highlights potential risks of hyaluronic acid fillers in viral video

Wednesday 7th 2024 on 17:33 in  

A viral video posted by a plastic surgeon in the U.S. features a patient in their thirties who has received twelve milliliters of fillers in their face over six years. The surgeon claims that this amount has more than doubled to 28 milliliters over time. According to specialist Dmytro Unukovych, this phenomenon may be explained by the fact that most approved fillers contain hyaluronic acid, which retains moisture.

“Fillers often attract a lot of water, which can visually create the appearance of much more filler, while in reality, it is the same amount of filler that has absorbed double the water,” Unukovych explained.

The video suggests that fillers can remain in the body for several years, contradicting marketing claims that hyaluronic acid fillers typically last between four to twelve months. Previous studies have indicated that these fillers may remain in the body for up to twelve years post-injection, as noted in a 2022 article in the Journal of Aesthetic Nursing.

Unukovych stated, “The duration and effects can depend on numerous factors, particularly who administers the injection, the technique used, and the type of filler.”

The comment section of the video has been filled with concerns, with some users alleging that the popular filler can block the body’s lymphatic drainage system. Unukovych, however, highlighted a lack of research on this matter, noting that there have been no documented cases of enlarged lymph nodes in patients who have received fillers, and reassured viewers that the patient shown has an unusually high amount of filler.

Fillers are used for volume enhancement and wrinkle smoothing, primarily made of hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally occurring in the body. Permanent fillers are banned, and since July 1, 2021, new regulations govern aesthetic surgical operations and injection treatments in Sweden.

(via svt.se)