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Cargo plane carrying monkeys stops at Keflavík International Airport for research in United States

Wednesday 7th 2024 on 17:18 in  

A cargo plane carrying hundreds of monkeys destined for research in the United States is making a stop at Keflavík International Airport today. The Director of the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority stated that officials in Belgium, the plane’s last stop, had thoroughly inspected the aircraft, which means no further inspection is necessary in Iceland.

The monkeys are being transported from Mauritius to the West and are expected to arrive in Keflavík around 3 PM. Following a layover in Kenya and Egypt after departing from Mauritius yesterday, the plane is now en route to Iceland. After the stop, it will continue to New York, where the monkeys will likely be taken off the plane and transported overland to Pennsylvania for quarantine.

Animal rights activists have raised concerns about such shipments. The organization PETA previously reported an incident involving a shipment of monkeys from Vietnam to Virginia, where fluids leaked from the boxes. Concerns have also been expressed about the potential health risks posed by the animals, which may carry viruses that can be transmitted to humans.

The Director of the Food and Veterinary Authority indicated that they were informed about these transports from both local media and international animal protection organizations. After consulting Belgian authorities, it was confirmed that they deemed the conditions for the animals satisfactory, negating the need for an additional inspection by Icelandic officials upon the plane’s arrival.

(via ruv.is)