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Woman creates prototype pelvic support belt after years of chronic pain in Norway

Wednesday 7th 2024 on 16:53 in  

Renate Tonstad Flaten has been living with chronic pelvic joint pain for twelve years, experiencing a constant level of five on a pain scale of ten. Her condition began during her first pregnancy and worsened after the birth of her second child, eventually rendering her unable to function in daily life. Walking just 500 meters left her feeling exhausted and trapped in her own home.

Frustrated by the lack of assistance, she sought out materials to create her own pelvic support belt. When she first tested it, she could run for the first time in eight years, leaving her in tears. This belt applies pressure and stabilizes painful areas, allowing her to move freely and be present for her family. The transformation from an active lifestyle to physical limitation can have a severe psychological impact on many women.

Britt Stuge, a physiotherapist and researcher, highlights that around half of all pregnant women experience moderate back and pelvic pain, with about 20% needing guidance or treatment. Unfortunately, prevalent misconceptions can lead to the minimization of their pain, while appropriate medical advice is often lacking. Stuge emphasizes the importance of proper treatment and education for healthcare professionals, particularly general practitioners who are the first point of contact for these women.

Kari Løvendal Mogstad, leader of the pregnancy and child health group, underscores the need to treat women’s pelvic pain seriously. While acknowledging a gap in specific knowledge among general practitioners, she advocates for referrals to qualified physiotherapists to better address this issue.

Currently, Tonstad Flaten’s pelvic belt is still a prototype, but she hopes to make it widely available. Driven by a desire to contribute to women’s health, she aims to raise awareness of pelvic pain and help others regain their daily lives.

(via nrk.no)