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Wildfires impact forestry services amid staffing shortages in Lake Inari, Finland

Wednesday 7th 2024 on 15:39 in  

Wildfires in the islands of Lake Inari have engaged not only the Lapland Rescue Service but also Metsähallitus, Finland’s state agency overseeing forestry and nature. Once the rescue service has extinguished the wildfire, it falls to Metsähallitus employees to monitor the affected land. Kirsi Ukkonen, a specialist in recreational use for Metsähallitus, noted the agency has faced staffing shortages for post-fire surveillance, leading to the hiring of external fire watchers.

The costs associated with these wildfires have been significant, impacting Metsähallitus’s current services. Ukkonen explained that multiple deployments to a wildfire site can add up to tens of thousands of euros. “These costs come from our already limited resources, which also affect the maintenance of services for outdoor enthusiasts,” she stated.

Due to budget cuts last year, Metsähallitus reduced its workforce, which has complicated efforts to find personnel for monitoring burned areas. Ukkonen acknowledged that the lack of staff contributes to these ongoing challenges.

Following mid-July, wildfires have occurred on six different islands of Lake Inari. A fire ban is currently in effect in the municipalities of Inari and Utsjoki, prohibiting open flames. Tuomas Korhonen, the on-duty fire chief at the Lapland Rescue Service, indicated that these fires likely started due to careless fire handling. Fires located far from immediate assistance can prolong firefighting efforts, sometimes requiring hours or even days to manage.

During the fire ban, any use of open flames can result in fines for offenders. Both the rescue service and Metsähallitus urge the public to utilize gas stoves during this period to mitigate further risks.

(via yle.fi)