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Yazan’s family faces deportation to Spain as community rallies for support in Iceland

Wednesday 7th 2024 on 14:03 in  

Yazan Tamimi, an eleven-year-old Palestinian boy diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, faces potential deportation along with his family to Spain. The organization “Friends of Yazan” has initiated a petition campaign encouraging authorities to show compassion towards his situation.

Yazan requires ongoing medical assistance due to his condition, and there are concerns that discontinuing his care could pose serious health risks. The prominent public figure Unnur Helga Óttarsdóttir leads the Friends of Yazan, which has received a strong response from the community. Noted individuals, including Iceland’s Bishop Agnes M. Sigurðardóttir, musician Bubbi Morthens, and actress Edda Björgvinsdóttir, have signed the petition.

The group advocates for Yazan’s right to remain in Iceland, emphasizing that current medical support is crucial for his well-being. Although they have reached out to all government officials, responses have been inadequate, prompting the formation of the group to rally further support.

Individuals interested in signing the petition can contact Unnur Helga directly via email. The family has previously faced legal hurdles, receiving no substantial resolution as their case was linked to prior passport endorsements in Spain, allowing for possible deportation under the Dublin Regulation.

Yazan’s attorney, Albert Björn Lúðvíksson, has filed a request for a reconsideration of their situation, highlighting that Yazan’s disability was not adequately factored into the initial decision. While no date for potential deportation has been established, there is concern that the family could be forcibly removed while reconsideration is pending. The Friends of Yazan remind that according to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the best interests of the child should always be prioritized in such decisions.

(via ruv.is)