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Heavy rain and thunderstorms forecasted as Smukfest opens in Skanderborg

Wednesday 7th 2024 on 11:48 in  

Weather conditions at Smukfest have been favorable until now, but today, as Andreas Odbjerg opens the Bøgescenerne at 2 PM, there is potential for heavy rain and thunderstorms at the festival in Skanderborg. This is due to a cold front positioned over the eastern North Sea, gradually moving eastward, which could lead to intense rain and thunderstorms, and possibly local downpours.

Northside and Roskilde Festivals both faced substantial rainfall this year, and Smukfest is currently preparing for potential severe weather. Thomas Rydahl, the safety chief at Smukfest, has been coordinating preparations since Tuesday morning in anticipation of possible rain. He notes that many guests are arriving today eager to celebrate, which makes the condition of parking areas crucial to ensure they are resilient to water accumulation.

Additionally, it is essential for guests to be able to sleep as dry as possible, prompting a reassessment of camping areas identified as prone to flooding.

Rydahl acknowledges that while rain might be concerning, it is not unexpected for outdoor events like this. He emphasizes that rainfall has become a normal part of planning, and the team is ready with automatic responses if severe weather occurs. He advises attendees to dress appropriately for the conditions and confirms that strategies are in place to assist the ground if heavy rain comes.

Except for Bornholm, the Danish Meteorological Institute has issued a warning for thunderstorms and local downpours across most of the country.

(via dr.dk)