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Kainuu council leaders demand urgent meeting over trust in regional board following director’s resignation

Wednesday 7th 2024 on 09:38 in  

The chairpersons of the council groups in the Kainuu welfare region are calling for an urgent meeting of the regional council to discuss the trust in the leadership of the regional board. They argue that during a study session yesterday, there was insufficient clarity regarding the events that led to the resignation of welfare area director Jukka Lindberg in June.

According to Paavo Enroth, chairman of the National Coalition Party’s council group, the demand stems from a conflict between the views of the regional board’s leadership and Lindberg. The board asserts that Lindberg resigned voluntarily, while a statement prepared by his attorney suggests he was pressured to leave.

Following the over four-hour study session, the group leaders held a meeting where all chairpersons, except for those from the Centre Party, signed the demand for the trust in the regional board’s leadership to be addressed. The absence of confidence in the board’s leadership could lead to a change in its composition, according to Enroth.

“It’s unfortunate that changes of this nature may occur. However, it is not world-ending: there will always be new individuals who can carry on the work,” he stated.

(via yle.fi)