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Twelve small earthquakes recorded near Sundhnúksgígar on Reykjanes Peninsula in Iceland

Wednesday 7th 2024 on 08:08 in  

Since midnight, approximately twelve small earthquakes have been recorded near the volcanic system at Sundhnúksgígar on the Reykjanes Peninsula. According to a natural disaster expert, the night has been quieter and less eventful compared to the previous night; however, it is difficult to draw any significant conclusions from this lull. In total, more than forty earthquakes have been detected across Iceland since midnight.

The expert emphasizes that the overall amount of magma accumulating beneath the Svartsengi area is now similar to the levels observed before the volcanic eruption that began in late May. Although the uplift of land continues, there has been a slight decrease in its rate. The pressure within the Earth’s crust remains substantial, and if significant geological events, such as magma intrusion or an eruption, were to occur, they could unfold rapidly.

The risk assessment from the Meteorological Office remains unchanged and is valid until August 13.

(via ruv.is)