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Road over Kaldalón closed due to flooding from Mórilla River in Ísafjarðardjúp

Tuesday 6th 2024 on 18:23 in  

The road over Kaldalón in the northern part of Ísafjarðardjúp is currently closed due to water damage caused by flooding from the Mórilla River. The river breached its bank overnight, leading to significant damage to the roadway.

A vehicle became trapped on a bridge during the night, and the driver had to walk nearly 15 kilometers to the nearest settlement, where there is no mobile phone reception. A local host reported that residents are taking the situation calmly while road authorities work on repairs.

The Mórilla is a glacial river experiencing high water levels due to heavy rainfall overnight. The river’s color is visibly altered, extending far into Ísafjarðardjúp, indicating a substantial increase in water flow.

Bergljót Aðalsteinsdóttir, a local host, described conditions, stating, “The road was completely gone, with water flowing where the road used to be.” She noted the severe weather, with intense rain and strong winds keeping her awake at night. “I’m simply staying put here. The radio and television antennas have been blown down, but I have my cell phone for communication.”

The road authorities are actively working on repairs, and there is hope that it will be reopened later today. While no vehicles are currently waiting at the closure, some travelers have left their cars parked nearby and walked to Kaldalón. People in summer houses in the area seem to be waiting patiently for the road to open again.

(via ruv.is)