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Denmark faces childcare educator shortage as political parties demand action

Tuesday 6th 2024 on 17:33 in  

The proportion of qualified educators in Denmark’s childcare institutions is decreasing, prompting several political parties to urge the government to address this issue. Helene Brydensholt from the Alternative party stated it is a significant failure for children that the government does not take this problem seriously. Statistics reveal that nearly one in four attempts to hire a qualified educator fails, leading municipalities to hire unqualified assistant educators to meet minimum staffing requirements.

A recent survey indicates that the percentage of qualified educators in childcare settings has fallen below 50 percent, and the government lacks a concrete target for the proportion of trained professionals. Lotte Rod from the Radical Left criticized the government for rejecting a proposal to legally mandate the percentage of qualified educators, arguing that it is unacceptable for children’s wellbeing.

The Radical Left believes that three out of four staff members should be qualified educators, emphasizing the importance of high professional standards for young children.

Education and Child Minister Mattias Tesfaye acknowledged the issue, expressing concern over the rising number of unqualified staff. He has shifted his focus to improving opportunities for assistant educators to gain qualifications, rather than setting target ratios for trained vs. untrained staff.

Starting January 1, 2024, new minimum staffing regulations will require one educator for every three infants and one for every six preschoolers. Rod supports these regulations but criticizes the government’s lack of proactive measures.

While more adults are present in childcare centers since the implementation of minimum staffing agreements in late 2020, the proportion of qualified staff has not increased correspondingly. The current government has reallocated funds based on child demographics, shifting the focus towards increasing both assistant educators and qualified teachers.

(via dr.dk)