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Three fatalities reported on Hillerød motorway extension in Denmark as community calls for safety improvements

Tuesday 6th 2024 on 11:33 in  

Three people lost their lives in a tragic accident on the Hillerød motorway extension in early July. This incident is not isolated, as accidents on this stretch of road have occurred before. The Road Directorate is planning to expand the motorway, but this work is not expected to be completed for at least three years.

The local community in North Zealand is voicing its concerns, with thousands coming together in a Facebook group to advocate for immediate action. Søren Poulsen, a resident of Helsinge who started the group, emphasizes the need for safety improvements. “We want better safety for those of us driving here and improved separation between lanes,” he stated, highlighting the dangers of momentary inattention leading to serious accidents.

Both local and national politicians share the community’s concerns and have urged Transport Minister Thomas Danielsen to act promptly. Councillors from Gribskov, Allerød, and Hillerød municipalities have sent a letter to the minister, expressing their worry over the lack of focus on safety in the area. Gribskov’s mayor, Bent Hansen, remarked, “We see serious accidents on this stretch too often.”

At the national level, the Danish People’s Party’s Mette Thiesen has raised the issue with the minister in a parliamentary question. She expressed hope that the minister would expedite investments for this route. Poulsen echoed her concerns, warning that without action, more lives could be lost.

In his response to Thiesen, Minister Danielsen acknowledged the seriousness of the situation and is awaiting the Road Directorate’s input on potential safety improvements. The Directorate has indicated that they are currently unable to specify concrete measures for enhancing safety on the motorway extension. According to their statistics, this stretch is not the most accident-prone in the Capital Region.

(via dr.dk)