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U.S. federal judge rules Google violated antitrust laws in search engine market

Tuesday 6th 2024 on 09:58 in  

A U.S. federal judge has ruled that Google has violated antitrust laws by monopolizing the search engine market for several years. The decision, made public yesterday, sharply criticizes Google’s business practices, stating that the tech giant has leveraged its dominant market position and resources to undermine competition from other search engines, including Microsoft Bing.

According to the ruling, Google has engaged in practices that fostered a monopoly in the search engine sector and continues to do so. The company secured its monopolistic status through exclusive usage agreements with major players in the market, such as Apple. As a result, consumers have faced difficulties in choosing alternative search engines apart from Google.

Google has announced its intention to appeal the decision.

In related local news, search and rescue teams were deployed to assist two hikers stranded in Baula overnight, while efforts continue to locate missing tourists trapped in a cave. Today’s weather is expected to be mild, but showers are predicted in various regions. Additionally, challenges surrounding liability for accidents in the tourism sector persist, as landowners remain reluctant to cover costs. Rescue operations were also initiated due to other tourists trapped in a cave. On a different note, residents in Akureyri have expressed concerns regarding a lack of summer recreational activities for children.

(via ruv.is)