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Accordion festival in Borg attracts record attendance despite weather challenges

Monday 5th 2024 on 18:33 in  

Around 50 accordion players brought the music to life at Borg in Grímsnes during the annual accordion festival held over the weekend. Organizers reported that this year’s event was the most well-attended in its history.

Despite less-than-ideal weather conditions, including heavy rain and wind, attendees enjoyed the festivities with enthusiasm. Gylfi Björgvinsson, the chairman of the Accordion Enthusiasts Club in Reykjavik, noted that the atmosphere remained lively, especially on Saturday evening when the venue was packed.

Eight bands took turns performing for dancing, complemented by festive concerts in the community hall. Generally, each band consists of about four to six accordions, totaling around 50 instruments across the festival. While attendees also traditionally play on the campsite’s accordions, this activity was less prevalent this year due to the weather.

Gylfi mentioned a resurgence in interest among younger accordion players, as more young people are joining the ranks of the traditionally older members of the club. “This instrument hasn’t been the most popular over the last few years, but we are working to change that and get young people to participate and play with us,” he said.

Overall, the festival brought joy and music to the community, marking a successful and enjoyable weekend for both participants and guests alike.

(via ruv.is)