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Otters disrupt fishery operation at Hvilested Dambrug in Kolding

Monday 5th 2024 on 17:53 in  

Ole Bjørn has operated Hvilested Dambrug in Kolding for 40 years, providing anglers with a chance to fish in his stocked pond. However, in addition to recreational fishermen, a more cunning competitor has emerged in recent years: otters.

Ole discovered the presence of otters only after installing night cameras that caught them in action. The otters have raided his pond, significantly depleting fish populations. “When we emptied a pond that should contain six tons of fish, we sometimes found only four or four and a half tons,” he noted. Ole suspects these fur-covered thieves are responsible for the missing fish and has witnessed them fishing alongside patrons.

Local nature guide Jørn Chemnitz confirmed that otters are common in the area, indicating that he has collected several road-killed otters within the city limits. Signs suggest otters may be roaming the city, as a group of cygnets has mysteriously disappeared from Slotssøen, with Jørn suggesting otters may be behind the incident.

Morten Elmeros from Aarhus University shared insights into otter conservation, revealing that they were nearly extinct in Denmark in the 1980s but have rebounded thanks to environmental protections. Today, otters are seen across Funen, Jutland, and are even making appearances in Zealand.

While Ole admits otters have caused problems in his fishery, he acknowledges their presence is a sign of a healthy ecosystem. Recently, however, there has been a notable decrease in otter activity. Ole has taken measures, such as installing fences, to deter them from returning to his pond.

(via dr.dk)