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Sign language interpreted news broadcasts to debut on RÚV and RÚV2 in Iceland

Sunday 4th 2024 on 23:08 in  

Sign language interpreted news broadcasts are now available online. The news coverage will air at 9 PM while the Olympics are being shown on RÚV and RÚV2.

Tonight’s news segment will include sign language interpretation for those watching the broadcast. Additionally, a sign language news program will be aired later on RÚV2.

Amidst other local happenings, a storm warning has been issued for the southeast region. Reports indicate that weather conditions are unstable, with gusty winds affecting the area.

A significant event to note is the 30th anniversary of the herring adventure festival in Siglufjörður, where the town is bustling with visitors. Furthermore, in Akureyri, about 300 participants have kicked off an off-road running race called Súlur Vertical.

Authorities urge the public to be mindful of safety as there is a rise in serious incidents threatening the safety of prison guards.

In community news, plans for a new cemetery at Úlfarsfell are in the works, and a search and rescue operation successfully located a stranded traveler in Hólmsá.

Overall, various local and cultural topics are keeping the public engaged, reflecting the vibrancy of the region even during adverse weather conditions.

(via ruv.is)