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Tourist rescued after being stranded in Hólmsá river in Iceland

Sunday 4th 2024 on 21:28 in  

A tourist was rescued after getting stranded in Hólmsá, a river in Iceland. Rescue teams from Lífgjöf in Álftaveri and Stjarnan in Skaftártungum were dispatched earlier today to assist the traveler who was in distress on the southern route of Fjallabaksleið.

The situation was reported by another traveler nearby, who observed the stranded individual on a small all-terrain vehicle struggling to reach the bank. Unable to cross to assist, the bystander alerted the authorities.

The driver managed to exit the vehicle and make it to the riverbank. Rescue teams approached from both sides of the river to ensure assistance on either bank, in case it was not possible to ford the river. Pálmar Atli Jóhannesson, the chairman of Stjarnan, mentioned he had rarely seen such high water levels in Hólmsá.

The driver was taken into a warm rescue vehicle, as he was cold and shaken from the ordeal. However, it was necessary to leave the vehicle in the river, which appeared to be stuck on rocks and could not be moved. The rescue personnel were unable to find a bottom between the vehicle and the bank during their attempts to retrieve it.

Fortunately, the tourist managed to salvage some of his belongings and accepted a ride in the rescue vehicle to a nearby location, where he had booked accommodation for the night close to Kirkjubæjarklaustur.

(via ruv.is)