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Flooding impacts regions in Sweden as thunderstorms prompt yellow warning from SMHI

Sunday 4th 2024 on 21:23 in  

Throughout July, several regions in Sweden, including Östergötland and Jönköping, have experienced significant flooding. Over the weekend, a thunderstorm swept across southern Sweden, prompting the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) to issue a yellow warning for the area. Meteorologist Pererik Åberg emphasized that a yellow warning should not cause excessive alarm. “It is the orange and red warnings that deserve more attention. A yellow warning may indicate potential problems, but generally at a local level,” he explained.

As thunderstorms can pose risks, it is crucial for residents to be prepared for such weather events and potential flooding. Measures to protect oneself during a thunderstorm and how to prepare for a possible flood are essential topics for discussion.

For further guidance on how to stay safe during thunderstorms and floods, viewers are encouraged to watch the accompanying video featuring expert meteorological advice.

(via svt.se)