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Families urged to teach digital safety as school year begins in Finland

Sunday 4th 2024 on 17:28 in  

As the school year begins, many families face the decision of purchasing or upgrading a mobile phone for their children. Alongside this decision, there is an increasing need to teach kids the rules of navigating a world unlocked by technology.

Before acquiring a phone, it is crucial to consider its intended purpose and how it can assist in particular scenarios. Rauna Rahja, an expert in media education from the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare, suggests that elementary school children do not urgently require their own smartphones. Having a personal device represents a chance for children to learn responsibility, which entails remembering various details such as PIN codes, passcodes, and phone maintenance.

When introducing a child to their first phone, it’s beneficial to practice together—discussing storage, charging, and when to keep the sound on or off. Additionally, parents should emphasize the importance of digital safety skills. Rahja highlights the need for children to manage their contact details, make prudent choices online, and recognize age restrictions for applications. She warns that not everyone online has good intentions, and kids should report any unsettling encounters to an adult.

Setting boundaries is crucial, as parents should agree on who their child can share their phone number with and whether to ask for permission beforehand. Furthermore, children should learn basic communication etiquette, including not sharing images without consent.

Rahja concludes that the main goal is to ensure children understand the guidelines and maintain open discussions about their experiences and feelings regarding technology. Joint engagement and conversation about navigating the digital world is essential to fostering safe device usage.

(via yle.fi)