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Incidents threatening safety of prison guards rise in Iceland

Sunday 4th 2024 on 17:03 in  

Incidents threatening the safety of prison guards are reportedly on the rise in Iceland. The Chairperson of the Prison Guards’ Association has voiced concerns after three guards were hospitalized following a violent confrontation with an inmate at Litla-Hraun prison on Friday.

Heiðar Smith, the Chair of the Prison Guards’ Association, described the event as serious but was unable to provide further details. He noted that, according to his knowledge, the guards are doing fairly well under the circumstances.

“When incidents like this occur, it’s essential to assess each case individually to identify what could have been handled better and to review operational protocols,” Heiðar explained.

Despite the seriousness of the incident, he believes prison guards generally perform their duties safely. However, he acknowledged an increase in such alarming events, suggesting the need for a thorough review of procedures to enhance safety measures.

He expressed concerns that confrontations are becoming more frequent, indicating a pressing need to critically evaluate current protocols to prevent future incidents. “I feel these occurrences have been increasing, and serious events have been happening more frequently lately. It’s crucial to sit down and seriously consider how we can prevent such situations,” Heiðar emphasized.

(via ruv.is)