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National team skier Ristomatti Hakola leads popular pole walking event in Jämi forest, Finland

Sunday 4th 2024 on 10:34 in  

National team skier Ristomatti Hakola and his club’s representative team members, Markus Vuorela, Antti Ojansivu, and Niko Husu, led an open pole walking event in the Jämi forest, attracting numerous participants despite the looming threat of rain. About fifty enthusiastic walkers set out for a brisk one-hour session, which Hakola extended by nearly 15 minutes due to his enthusiasm in leading the group.

Most participants were middle-aged or older, though some young athletes also joined. Anni Rantasalo from Viiala, who practices skiing and athletics, came to Jämi encouraged by her mother. She enjoyed being part of the pole walking session with the national team skier and his teammates, despite feeling the need for a bit more speed. “My pole walking sessions are usually quite calm, but they include running segments,” Rantasalo noted, as she tried to test her skills on the incline known as Viitalan Hannun loikkarinne alongside Hakola.

The rain ceased just in time for the event, contributing to the lively atmosphere. Timo Aittamäki from Kangasala also took part to see how well adults manage uphill pole walking. “It definitely got my heart rate up,” he laughed. Hakola was quick to encourage and compliment Aittamäki, who appreciated the response and noted the impressive turnout thanks to the presence of elite athletes. “There wouldn’t have been many here if it weren’t for the national team skiers and their teammates leading,” he commented.

The local municipality and Jämin Jänne provided coffee, juice, and a hundred sausages for the walkers. Aittamäki suggested that the event could use more promotion, despite the risk of only securing one sausage per participant post-walk. “Such community events are fantastic,” he said, reminiscing about past running events in the area. Tarja Kauraharju, a local resident, expressed her delight at participating, emphasizing the joy of competitive skiing and the importance of progress in sports, not just success.

(via yle.fi)