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Women encouraged to uphold relationship standards amid societal pressures in Scandinavia

Saturday 3rd 2024 on 19:55 in  

Dear women, do not lower your standards. Dear men, do not just try to get your act together.

It can be disheartening and painful when men and women looking for relationships or intimacy do not find partners with the same desires. The rising number of older individuals combined with a declining workforce poses challenges for society. However, this does not mean women should compromise their standards, and men simply try harder, nor does it mean everyone must “take societal responsibility” and have multiple children.

There are many great men out there worth pursuing. We should all have expectations for a potential partner as we envision spending our lives with them. I refuse to believe anyone genuinely desires a society where men and women enter long-term relationships thinking, “Well, he/she is good enough.” This leads to a community filled with unhappy couples.

It frustrates me when women are blamed for men’s dating struggles or low fertility rates. At the same time, I feel just as upset when men are told to get their act together, as it implies that most men are hopeless and unattractive. This is not the case.

Some argue that women do not choose men with lower status, suggesting they are picky or unable to select suitable partners. However, I believe personal qualities and chemistry are more important than status.

Yet, certain factors are worth considering. Men often face challenges in accessing their dream studies due to educational systems that favor girls, not because girls are smarter. Additionally, both men and women find it difficult to have the lower financial status in relationships. Many desire equality in economic matters.

It is intriguing how women are often held responsible for addressing societal issues, such as declining birth rates. It’s not solely women’s responsibility to fix this problem, as families and communities benefit from a higher birth rate.

Ultimately, not everyone wants children, and that must be respected. Children should be wanted and feel the desire to be cherished from day one. Therefore, intimacy should not arise from societal pressure but from genuine desire. Maintain your standards and expectations, as deserving healthy relationships is vital, given the many wonderful people out there.

(via nrk.no)