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Tikander highlights ethical contradictions in drug use at A-studio in Finland

Friday 2nd 2024 on 20:03 in  

Many adults strive to make ethical choices in areas such as travel and clothing purchases. However, according to influencer Hanna Tikander, this focus on ethics is contradicted by the increasing number of people using drugs recreationally. Tikander, who has used drugs in the past, shared her insights in an interview on A-studio. She admitted that while using drugs, she never considered who received the money for them or whether lives were lost along the production chain. Instead, users often focus on whether trying a substance might lead to addiction or mental health issues.

“The concerns are quite self-centered,” Tikander remarked. “I didn’t think about what happened along the way, and honestly, I noticed that not many others do either,” she stated, referring to her podcast interviews with drug users.

Hannu Sinkkonen, Head of Customs Surveillance, shared with Yle that users may mistakenly believe that naturally grown drugs, like cocaine, are more ethical than synthetic drugs, like amphetamines. “There is nothing ethical about drug trafficking, even though users often want to believe otherwise,” Sinkkonen asserted.

The discussion on A-studio on Wednesday highlighted the sharp increase in cocaine use. The full conversation is available to watch on Yle Areena.

(via yle.fi)