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Comedian Fathi Ahmed critiques diversity discussions in Finland and advocates for marginalized voices

Friday 2nd 2024 on 17:38 in  

Discussions surrounding diversity training, commonly referred to as DEI training, have surged on social media over the past weeks. Many commentators view a focus on diversity in the workplace as a waste of resources or an acceptance of leftist rhetoric. Comedian and writer Fathi Ahmed, of Somali descent, believes that the public debate has become disproportionate. He welcomes conversations about diversity, asserting, “It seems a bit selfish to think these issues shouldn’t be addressed.”

Ahmed shares how his Somali background has often hindered his professional advancement. He mentioned that he was automatically placed in Finnish as a Second Language classes in school, despite being born in Finland and speaking fluent Finnish. Later in life, this classification complicated his access to higher education. Ironically, he did not qualify for native language classes but later won a Venla award for his writing.

According to Ahmed, opportunities have also been denied based on ethnic backgrounds. He recalls an experiment where Finnish public figures applied for jobs using Romani-sounding names, resulting in no job offers. Contrary to many online commenters, he argues that recruiting based on ethnicity, often labeled as positive discrimination, is not a significant issue. He believes it often works the other way around, stating, “When someone is denied a job opportunity, it undermines the chance for merit-based hiring.”

Ahmed emphasizes the need to create space for marginalized voices. He critiques the predominance of men in stand-up comedy, arguing that the disparity isn’t due to men being inherently funnier. He advocates for a society that evolves, stating that “medicine advances, and our civilization must evolve too,” incorporating diversity training and varied perspectives to foster understanding among people.

(via yle.fi)