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Appeal submitted to Supreme Administrative Court over Oulu’s football stadium project

Friday 2nd 2024 on 09:03 in  

Oulu’s proposed football stadium in Heinäpää has received a second complaint submitted to the Supreme Administrative Court. The court has confirmed that it has received two applications for appeal regarding the North Finland Administrative Court’s decision. In June, the North Finland Administrative Court dismissed parts of two complaints concerning changes to the zoning plan and parcel divisions for the stadium area. Now, an appeal to the Supreme Administrative Court is being sought related to these decisions.

An appeal can be filed with the Supreme Administrative Court only if permission is granted for the appeal. There is no information available yet on whether this permission will be considered or the timeline for any potential hearings. Tomi Kaismo, who is spearheading the stadium project, has confirmed this development. Kaismo is the chairman of the board for AC Oulu, the league team, as well as the OTC Stadium project and is a city council member.

The initial cost of the project, estimated at approximately €13 million, has risen to nearly €17 million due to ongoing appeals. Throughout the extended timeline, overall cost levels have increased, but according to Kaismo, the rise in prices has stabilized, providing continued optimism for the project’s realization. However, the entire stadium initiative remains uncertain due to the prolonged process.

Funding for the stadium is expected to come from 75% private sources. The remaining portion will be sought from the state and the city of Oulu. Kaismo noted that any public funding would be adjusted by potential contributions from organizations, such as the Football Association and the Ministry of Education and Culture, with the remaining negotiations occurring with the city of Oulu.

(via yle.fi)