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Gaming usage declines among Norwegian children as screen time drops significantly

Friday 2nd 2024 on 07:53 in  

Alida Guddal Hjelmland, a 13-year-old from Rosendal, has participated in Norway Cup at Ekerbergsletta this week. She reports that screen time has dropped significantly, with her usage down by 72% compared to last week, now totaling just 2 hours and 27 minutes. Her friend, 12-year-old Tuva Lund, still plays games like Fortnite and Roblox daily, although her screen time has also decreased by 34%.

A recent survey from the Norwegian Media Barometer indicates that the number of children aged 9 to 15 engaging in daily gaming is at its lowest since measurements began in 2015. Currently, only 64% of these children game every day, a stark decline highlighted by Andreas Øvsthus from Statistics Norway.

Experts like Beate Hygen from NTNU propose that the increased draw towards social media might be contributing to this trend. She suggests that platforms like TikTok offer more readily accessible entertainment, which can consume substantial time. The quick consumption of content may also change gaming habits, as video games tend to require more setup and time commitment than quick media clips.

Thirteen-year-old Jardar Bruland Tonning, who primarily plays chess, agrees that he games less than before. He enjoys board games but acknowledges the convenience of mobile gaming. During the busy Norway Cup week, his focus has shifted from online gaming to football.

The reported decline in gaming raises questions about potential changing trends in children’s leisure activities, as noted by experts. Whether this change represents a positive shift will ultimately depend on how gaming time is replaced by other activities. Despite the decrease in gaming, the frequency of internet usage among the youth remains largely unchanged since before the pandemic.

(via nrk.no)