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Halla Tómasdóttir inaugurated as seventh president of Iceland

Friday 2nd 2024 on 00:48 in  

Halla Tómasdóttir was inaugurated today as the seventh President of Iceland and the second woman to hold the position. In an interview following her ceremony, she expressed her desire to empower citizens and foster collaboration within the community.

Halla, acknowledging that she has much to learn, aims to activate the presidency for the greater good. She recognizes that the role primarily serves the interests of the nation and is determined to ask insightful questions while working closely with various stakeholders.

Emphasizing the need to rebuild trust in social institutions, Halla noted that people’s confidence has waned. She believes that fostering respectful dialogue and understanding among citizens is crucial for enhancing trust within society.

Halla has long prioritized connecting with young people, stating that they wish to have a seat at the table to shape their future. She advocates for intergenerational cooperation and insists that the voices of older generations must also be heard.

On the international stage, she sees the importance of adopting new collaborative approaches. Halla intends to be a strong advocate for Iceland’s interests both domestically and abroad, emphasizing the country’s commitment to embodying peaceful values.

Looking ahead to the upcoming parliamentary elections, Halla stresses the need for a president who can build bridges and facilitate constructive dialogue. She believes the ability to form a functioning government requires discerning judgment beyond mere votes.

Halla hopes her family can maintain their privacy while living at Bessastaðir, and her first official engagements will include attending Iceland’s National Festival and visiting a youth sports event.

(via ruv.is)