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Motorcycles association in Iceland discusses road safety and funding challenges at Colas paving station

Thursday 1st 2024 on 19:35 in  

A prominent motorcycles association in Iceland, known as Sniglarnir, held an open meeting at the Colas paving station yesterday evening to showcase techniques, materials, and methods related to road construction. According to the association’s treasurer, Hrafnhildur Steinþórsdóttir, the event aimed to enhance road safety.

Steinþórsdóttir highlighted a critical financial need for the country’s road network, stating that there is a debt of approximately 130 billion Icelandic krónur that must be addressed to improve the infrastructure. She emphasized the necessity for more funding, voicing concern over the serious traffic accidents that occurred in the country last year, which resulted in 229 severe injuries and 8 fatalities. The association is currently adapting a Danish report that assesses the societal costs of traffic accidents.

The treasurer pointed out that many roads still require asphalt where unsatisfactory surface treatments currently exist, which are considered hazardous. She described the ongoing repairs as merely temporary solutions, stating that the Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration is limited by financial constraints and is not acquiring the highest quality paving materials. “The ideal situation would be to have asphalt everywhere, as dangerous road conditions are more common where there is only surface treatment,” Steinþórsdóttir concluded.

The next open meeting of Sniglarnir is scheduled to take place at the headquarters of the Road and Coastal Administration, where Bergþóra Þorkelsdóttir will be welcoming attendees.

(via ruv.is)