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Iceland prepares for largest travel weekend with numerous festivals and activities

Thursday 1st 2024 on 18:58 in  

The largest travel weekend of the year is approaching in Iceland, and numerous events are planned across the country. Here are some key festivals and activities taking place, ensuring there’s something for everyone.

In West Iceland, the National Festival celebrates its 150th anniversary this year, with a variety of events on the schedule. Additionally, the Youth Nationals will be held in Borgarnes, where young athletes will compete in various sports disciplines.

Family-friendly activities are featured at the Sæludagar festival in Vatnaskógur, promoting a healthy lifestyle within a natural setting. Further details on this event can be found on their website.

In North Iceland, the Norðanpaunk festival in Laugarbakk is a must-visit for punks, featuring a vibrant music lineup. Meanwhile, the Sílidarævintýrið festival in Siglufjörður celebrates its 30th anniversary with concerts, bouncy castles, and fireworks.

Akureyri will see the “Ein með öllu” festival with activities spread throughout the town, including concerts and events for all ages. The Sunday concerts have been particularly popular in previous years.

In East Iceland, the Hagyrðingamót festival at the Fjarðarborg community center promises an entertaining mix of food and music. The Neistaflug festival in Neskaupstaður brings a local flavor with concerts and pool parties.

In the South, the Kotmót in Fljótshlíð encourages abstinence, featuring various celebrations and music. Reykjavík hosts the Innipúkinn festival, providing an indoor escape for those concerned about the weather, with diverse performances and activities.

Lastly, the National Festival in the Westman Islands aims to highlight 150 years of tradition, featuring bonfires, music, and unique local culture. This celebration promises to be an enriching experience for all who attend.

(via ruv.is)