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Helgi Gunnarsson defends freedom of expression amid controversy in Iceland

Thursday 1st 2024 on 17:52 in  

Helgi Magnús Gunnarsson, the deputy attorney general, asserts he has never made comments that undermine his responsibilities. Although he acknowledges he has made remarks that might have been better left unsaid, he believes there is no reason for any formal reprimand from his superiors or the minister, stating, “I can gladly reprimand myself when necessary.”

Helgi’s comments came under scrutiny after a recent case involving a Middle Eastern asylum seeker, Mohamad Kourani, who had a history of harassing Helgi’s family. After Kourani was sentenced to prison, Helgi made statements suggesting that immigrants from the region bring a culture that contrasts starkly with local norms. He remarked, “The only thing that stops them is the fist, the use of power.”

In light of these comments, Sigríður Friðjónsdóttir, the chief prosecutor, proposed that Helgi be put on temporary leave from his duties. This recommendation follows a complaint filed by a local organization, Solaris, against Helgi due to his remarks about asylum seekers.

Despite the controversy, Helgi maintains his position that public employees, like himself, are entitled to freedom of expression. He stands firm in his belief that he should not face disciplinary action and views the recent events as an opportunity for self-reflection rather than as a cause for concern regarding his professional integrity.

(via ruv.is)