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Sweden faces criticism over conversion therapy amid rising concerns for LGBTQI community

Thursday 1st 2024 on 12:48 in  

Reports have highlighted issues of transphobia and homophobia in Sweden, particularly within religious communities, raising concerns about the fear and secrecy surrounding conversion therapy targeting LGBTQI individuals. The United Nations has classified such practices as forms of torture, urging for a global ban on conversion therapies. Countries like Germany, France, Norway, and Iceland have already implemented laws prohibiting these practices.

In Sweden, a 2022 government inquiry was prompted to assess whether conversion therapy should also be banned. A preliminary report released in July 2023 indicated that existing laws already address many illegal activities associated with conversion attempts. However, critics argue that the government should initiate a specialized investigation into this issue.

Daniel Castro Vencu Öhrlund, a spokesperson for the Social Democrats, criticized the absence of a new inquiry after the initial report suggested against a ban. He expressed the need for the government to act decisively, emphasizing that the only promise made to the LGBTQI community is to prohibit conversion therapies.

Paulina Brandberg, the Minister for Equality, acknowledged the seriousness of conversion attempts in Sweden, reaffirming that the current administration intended to explore criminalizing these practices. However, she noted that the legislative proposal from government partners has yet to be developed, and her office is currently preparing the inquiry.

The Liberals advocate for a legislative proposal at the EU level to ensure consistent protection for LGBTQI individuals across Europe. In emergency situations, individuals in need of support can access various resources, including hotlines and support services for those who have experienced harassment or violence. Conversion therapy is already banned in several European countries.

(via svt.se)