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Danish woman seeks treatment for long-term concussion symptoms at UPMC in Pittsburgh

Thursday 1st 2024 on 11:58 in  

Cecilie Dahl Offenhäuser is focusing her attention on Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, home to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC), which specializes in treating concussions. Offenhäuser has been battling lasting effects from a concussion for five years and has spent 22,000 Danish kroner to consult a team of specialists she hopes will help her return to her former life. This amount does not include travel expenses to and from the U.S.

Each year, around 25,000 Danes suffer concussions, with up to 7,000 experiencing long-term symptoms, defined as persistent issues like headaches, nausea, insomnia, fatigue, sensitivity to light and sound, and cognitive difficulties lasting three months or more. Offenhäuser is among many who have turned to UPMC for help. Following the launch of the podcast series “Faldet,” which details journalist Mads Ellesøe’s own struggle with a serious concussion, UPMC received hundreds of inquiries from Danes seeking treatment.

Since the podcast aired, UPMC has treated 52 Danes in 2024, compared to just one last year. Offenhäuser’s ordeal began in 2019 after a serious car accident that left her with a fractured skull and a severe concussion, drastically reducing her energy levels. Her daily routine consists of minimal tasks, which often require rest to manage her symptoms.

Despite previous positive treatment experiences, Offenhäuser feels there is limited support for her ongoing issues within the Danish healthcare system. She has sought help from various professionals but has been advised that no further assistance is available. On January 15, 2025, she will be examined at UPMC, hoping for a tailored rehabilitation plan to reclaim some of her previous life.

Experts agree that Denmark lacks a cohesive approach to treating patients with long-term concussion symptoms, highlighting the need for a dedicated clinic for concussion sufferers to ensure consistent care across the country.

(via dr.dk)