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Häme police warn of reckless moped riders in Nastola, Lahti

Thursday 1st 2024 on 10:53 in  

During the summer, the Häme police received several reports concerning dangerous traffic behavior by moped riders in Nastola, Lahti. According to police statements, these moped riders have created numerous hazardous situations for other road users.

Reports and police observations indicate that the moped riders are performing stunts, exceeding speed limits, and running through intersections without consideration for other traffic. Additionally, the license plates on many mopeds are often covered. The riders have also reportedly attempted to provoke police pursuits. Several criminal reports related to these incidents have been filed.

The police have warned that if this behavior continues, accidents are inevitable. They urge parents to monitor how their teenagers operate mopeds and to engage in discussions about proper conduct in traffic.

(via yle.fi)