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Iceland tourism faces decline as British travel agent reports collapse in sales to country

Thursday 1st 2024 on 04:38 in  

Tourism in Iceland is facing a significant decline, according to an experienced British travel agent who reports a complete collapse in sales for trips to the country. With nearly 50 years in the industry, the agent notes that for the first time in four decades, he is selling more tours to Norway than to Iceland. The recent volcanic activity near Grindavík is cited as a major deterrent for potential tourists.

Arnar Már Ólafsson, the Director of Tourism in Iceland, emphasizes the seriousness of the situation, asserting that a decrease in British tourists warrants urgent attention. Despite a strong start to the year, recent statistics reveal a nine percent drop in international visitors to Iceland in June compared to the same month last year. The numbers for the British market have remained stable so far this year, matching last year’s figures, but future prospects are bleak.

The overall mood in the Icelandic tourism sector has shifted, as stakeholders brace for potential challenges ahead. While the industry initially showed promise, the combination of external factors, including natural events and international competition, may significantly impact Iceland’s appeal as a travel destination.

(via ruv.is)