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Boy from Palestine meets former President of Iceland at Smáralind shopping center

Thursday 1st 2024 on 00:18 in  

Yazan Tamimi, an 11-year-old boy from Palestine, recently shared a photo with Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, the former President of Iceland, on Instagram. Yazan, who suffers from Duchenne muscular dystrophy, expressed his joy and gratitude for meeting Guðni at Smáralind, a shopping center in Iceland.

Yazan grew up in Hebron in the West Bank, and over a year ago, his parents sought international protection for their family in Iceland. While traveling to the country, they had a layover in Spain but did not apply for asylum there. Iceland’s Directorate of Immigration has not addressed their case materially, and the Immigration Appeals Board confirmed that they would be sent back to Spain based on the Dublin Regulation.

Yazan’s parents fear for their son’s health should they be forcibly returned. The situation highlights the challenges faced by asylum seekers in Iceland, especially vulnerable individuals like Yazan, who rely on ongoing healthcare support unavailable in their home country. His family’s predicament continues to raise concerns regarding their future and access to essential medical services.

(via ruv.is)