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Eighty seagull chicks found dead on Stafnesvegur near Sandgerði

Wednesday 31st 2024 on 22:58 in  

Over 80 Seagull Chicks Found Dead on Stafnesvegur

This summer, nearly 80 seagull chicks have died along Stafnesvegur near Sandgerði, attributed primarily to reckless driving and the clumsiness of the chicks themselves. Despite a strong seagull population this year, the mortality rate among the chicks has been concerning.

Páll Þórðarson, a local farmer and bird enthusiast, notes that this year’s breeding season has been particularly fruitful, with an abundance of food leading to healthy chicks that are beginning to fly. “I’ve never seen so many chicks take to the skies,” he remarked, reflecting on the successful breeding season at Sandgerði.

However, despite the overall strong seagull population, Páll estimates that nearly 80 chicks have perished due to vehicular incidents. He points out that while most drivers are cautious, many chicks are inexperienced and tend to fly up and land directly in front of vehicles. He does not wholly blame speeding drivers for these deaths but admits that some do drive too fast.

Páll initially attempted to remove the carcasses from the road but has since stopped, allowing drivers to see the situation for themselves. He urges motorists to drive cautiously through the area and be prepared to stop, as the young birds are only about three weeks old and may not exhibit much awareness or caution.

With the survival of local wildlife at stake, the call for increased driver awareness comes during the busy summer months, highlighting the intersection of human activity and nature.

(via ruv.is)