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Arrests for drunk driving highest in Mid and West Jutland in 2023

Wednesday 31st 2024 on 20:43 in  

In 2023, the number of arrests for drunk driving was highest in the Mid and West Jutland police district compared to other areas, according to new data from the Council for Safe Traffic. Specifically, there were 830 arrests for drunk driving in this region last year.

Jesper Gudmandsen, a press consultant at the Council for Safe Traffic, noted that geographical factors play a significant role in the higher number of arrests in Mid and West Jutland. “There may be larger distances to cover when moving from one place to another. If one drives after a social gathering, they might be tempted to take the car, even if they are unsure whether they have consumed too much alcohol,” he stated.

Jeppe Gudmandsen added that the Mid and West Jutland Police have focused more on drunk driving offenses because they recognize it as a problem in their area. In contrast, Bornholm had the lowest number of arrests with only 51, attributed to its significantly smaller population. Other districts with low numbers included the Copenhagen West region with 334 arrests and North Zealand with 348.

Gudmandsen explained that the differences in transportation options contribute to the varying arrest rates. In urban areas like Copenhagen, public transportation is notably better than in rural regions like Mid and West Jutland.

The Council for Safe Traffic highlighted that around one in five traffic fatalities occurs in accidents involving alcohol. To raise awareness, municipalities are installing thousands of signs along roads asking, “Ready for a breath?” This campaign aims to remind drivers not to get behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol.

(via dr.dk)