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Sweden faces ongoing conversion attempts against LGBTQI individuals within evangelical churches

Wednesday 31st 2024 on 18:48 in  

Conversion attempts aim to compel individuals to conceal or doubt their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. These attempts can involve physical, psychological, and sexual violence, along with social isolation and threats of exclusion from one’s religious community.

There are ongoing conversion attempts targeting LGBTQI individuals within evangelical churches in Sweden. Many former victims, as well as researchers and experts, report such experiences. According to Charlotta Carlström, a social work researcher at Malmö University, her study “A Conditional Community” details in-depth interviews with LGBTQI individuals connected to Christian evangelical communities. She reveals that the majority of those interviewed have experienced conversion attempts in various forms over recent years. These experiences have led to deep trauma and poor mental health outcomes, including suicide attempts.

Within Muslim communities in Sweden, there exists a significant hidden prevalence of conversion attempts, as noted by Ardeshir Bibakabadi, who leads Homan, an organization for immigrant LGBTQI individuals in Gothenburg. Many fear for their safety and hesitate to share their stories, as reporting abuse can lead to further victimization.

Despite calls for a global ban on conversion practices, which the UN equates with torture, these practices remain legal in Sweden. While some countries such as Germany, France, Norway, and Iceland have outlawed them, a recent government review in Sweden did not recommend criminalizing these practices, citing existing laws that already cover related acts like physical violence and coercion.

Support resources are available for those affected by these practices, including crisis hotlines and support groups for LGBTQI individuals facing harassment or violence.

(via svt.se)