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Study reveals only 18% of adolescents meet sleep guidelines in Akureyri, Iceland

Wednesday 31st 2024 on 17:53 in  

A recent study conducted at the Akureyri College in Iceland reveals that only 18% of surveyed adolescents meet the recommended sleep guidelines for their age, which is between 8 to 10 hours per night. The research, published in the peer-reviewed journal Sleep and Breathing, highlights the prevalence of “clock fatigue,” a term that describes irregular sleep patterns among students on school days and during breaks.

The study involved 55 participants who were divided into two groups: a control group and an intervention group. Students in the intervention group received education, breathing exercises, and yoga sessions over a four-week period. They were also required to wear a sleep tracker for at least three nights, including one weekend night.

Among the participants, 14% were categorized as early risers, while 15% were night owls, with the remaining 71% displaying mixed sleep behaviors. Despite achieving an average sleep duration of eight hours for both school and weekend nights, only 18% adhered to the recommended nightly sleep duration. The data indicates a significant sleep deficit among the youth.

Following the educational interventions, the participants in the intervention group reported sleeping an average of half an hour longer. Educators express optimism that such findings could lead to better sleep habits amidst rising screen time among adolescents. The study’s results will be integrated into the curriculum for new students at the school, aiming to enhance awareness of sleep health and its impact on academic performance and overall well-being.

(via ruv.is)