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Seal population classified as critically endangered along shores of Iceland

Wednesday 31st 2024 on 13:53 in  

The seal population along the shores of Iceland continues to be at risk, according to the latest census. The number of harbor seals is now classified as critically endangered. This significant seal counting event took place over the weekend, where nearly fifty volunteers joined forces to conduct the survey along the beaches of Heggstaða and Vatnsness.

The results from the survey provide important insights for the comprehensive count that occurs every four years. According to the last complete count conducted in 2020, approximately 10,000 seals were recorded, a stark decline from over 30,000 seals in the initial counts of the 1980s. This illustrates a worrying population decrease of about seventy percent. Counting is most effective in July when seals haul out onto land for their molting period, making them easier to tally.

Volunteers of all ages participated in the count, which serves not only as a traditional activity but also as an educational experience for those involved. Although the method used by volunteers is not highly scientific, experts believe it still provides valuable indicators regarding the overall status of the population. Every four years, scientists will conduct a more precise count using aerial surveys.

As the seal population continues to dwindle, the efforts of local volunteers and researchers are becoming increasingly crucial in understanding and addressing this ecological concern.

(via ruv.is)