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Spruce bark beetles advance northward as temperatures rise in Finland

Wednesday 31st 2024 on 13:48 in  

The advance of spruce bark beetles has extended further north due to rising temperatures. Simultaneously, spruce trees are becoming stressed from the heat, which increases their vulnerability to the insects. To combat the spruce bark beetles, new technology is being employed. This involves a dirigible equipped with a camera that will autonomously fly over forests.

“The camera on the dirigible can detect damage earlier than the human eye,” says Johanna Tuviala, a researcher at the University of Eastern Finland. For forest owners, this innovative technology could mean avoiding million-euro losses. However, Tuviala expresses skepticism about whether the dirigible alone can fully eradicate the spruce bark beetles.

The rising population of spruce bark beetles poses a significant challenge for forest owners, as the beetles thrive under warmer conditions. Early detection of infestations is crucial for effective management and prevention of widespread damage to valuable forest reserves.

The situation highlights the increasing impact of climate change on forest ecosystems and the urgent need for proactive measures to protect these natural resources.

(via svt.se)