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Filipina worker expresses joy at new life in Pello, Finland

Wednesday 31st 2024 on 07:33 in  

Jove Fernandez, a Filipina working at the S-market in Pello, expresses her joy at being in Finland, a country she describes as her “dreamland.” Having previously worked in the retail industry in the Philippines, she is eager to continue her career here. Fernandez appreciates the support and friendliness of her colleagues, who guide her as she learns the ropes. In her free time, she finds balance in nature, enjoying activities like hiking and grilling sausages with friends.

Jaana Järvenpää, the store manager, praises the contributions of Filipino employees for their eagerness to learn and their cheerful demeanor, noting that customers also appreciate them. The arrival of Fernandez and 13 other Filipino workers in Lapland resulted from a collaboration between the Arina cooperative and the Barona service company. Minna Salonen, Arina’s HR manager, reports that the project is off to an excellent start, though there is a challenge.

The Filipino workers face limitations on their working hours that do not always meet their expectations. Salonen highlights that the retail sector in Finland is struggling to attract workers because many younger locals are moving away for education and better job opportunities. Automation and digitalization could alleviate some labor needs in the future, but human labor will always be necessary, according to Järvenpää.

Barona recruits workers from the Philippines, where many seek employment abroad. The company provides support to help them integrate into Finnish society, including language courses and assistance with practical matters like housing and taxation. Filipino workers typically have a high retention rate, showcasing their adaptability and positive work ethic.

(via yle.fi)