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Experts warn of killer snail invasion in Sweden due to recent weather conditions

Wednesday 31st 2024 on 03:28 in  

The recent humid and rainy weather is fueling concerns about the potential worsening of conditions, according to experts. Von Proschwitz stated that the current climate has prompted snails to commence their egg-laying process, leading to a new generation in just a couple of weeks.

One suggested method to combat the spread of these pests is to use beer as bait. Snails, which navigate primarily by smell, are attracted to the fermented scent of beer. “It’s quite effective. They are drawn in, get intoxicated, and then drown in the beer,” von Proschwitz explained.

This year has seen a significant increase in the population of killer snails, marking a troubling trend for local ecosystems. With the population seemingly exploding, residents are encouraged to seek innovative solutions for managing the situation.

(via svt.se)