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Person charged with negligent manslaughter in Bærum, Norway

Tuesday 30th 2024 on 13:54 in  

A person has been charged with negligent manslaughter following a fatal incident last week involving a 23-year-old man from Bærum, Akershus. The charge carries a potential prison sentence of up to six years, contingent on the demonstration of ordinary negligence by the accused. The investigation is still ongoing, and authorities have not provided details about the evidence they have gathered.

Erling Solberg, the lead investigator at the Holt police department, emphasized that the basis for the charge remains unchanged, despite no new evidence emerging. The decision to file charges was made due to the serious nature of the incident and materials seized during the investigation. The specific items taken into custody have not been disclosed.

The priority for the police is to clarify the circumstances leading up to the incident, particularly identifying who was operating the boat at the time of the accident. Authorities are actively seeking additional witnesses. Solberg has urged anyone who saw the events unfold or has information about what happened before the incident to come forward.

In response to the tragedy, Østerås Church in Bærum opened its doors for community members to gather and reflect. Over 125 people attended the gathering, held two days after the accident, ranging in age from teenagers to individuals in their 70s and 80s. Senior priest Per Olav Vangen noted the importance of communal support during this time, as many attendees expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to come together.

(via nrk.no)