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Seal entangled in fishing net drowns in Danish waters as ghost net crisis intensifies

Tuesday 30th 2024 on 11:43 in  

A seal has become entangled in an old fishing net, leading to its drowning—a sight that has become all too common. Jesper Appel Jensen, founder of North Nature, explains that this is particularly concerning as seal pups are soon to be born. Abandoned or lost fishing nets continue to ensnare marine life and pollute the ocean with plastic.

Initially, when Jensen and his team estimated that around 1,000 ghost nets could be in Danish waters, many were skeptical. However, over 1,300 nets have now been removed, with new estimates suggesting as many as 5,000 nets could still be hidden beneath the surface. For the past five years, Jensen and volunteer divers have worked diligently to locate and retrieve these ghost nets.

To amplify their efforts, North Nature is training recreational divers across the country to become certified as “Danish Ghostnet Recovery divers.” They are also developing a reporting system for fishermen and others who encounter ghost nets. Jensen emphasizes the importance of awareness, encouraging divers to document and photograph the locations of these nets to inform policymakers about the extent of the issue.

Removing these heavy nets is a dangerous undertaking due to the risks posed by their weight and the depths at which they can be found. According to DTU Aqua, there are nearly 50,000 ghost nets in Danish waters, primarily in Limfjorden and around Bornholm. Eva Maria Pedersen, a biologist at DTU Aqua, underscores the need for divers to map out these areas to mitigate risks during recovery operations.

Despite the challenges, Jensen remains optimistic about addressing this problem, believing that political action will follow as the issue becomes more visible. Danish Fisheries Minister Jacob Jensen has expressed his commitment to utilizing the data gathered to tackle this pressing environmental concern effectively.

(via dr.dk)